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Workshops, webinars, & workbooks for your various needs 

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ADHD & Impulsivity 101 Webinar

Introduce Coach Ian and the journey to developing impulse control after an ADHD diagnosis as an adult or a longstanding diagnosis carried into adulthood from childhood. Understand the three key points that cause impulsivity in the ADHD brain.

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ADHD Self Assessment

Take a customized self assessment test to determine your likelihood of ADHD so you can begin to take action for treating symptoms of ADHD & impulsive behaviors.

Demystify Fitness Workshop

Pre-recorded workshop ~5 hours of diet & training material to demystify the fitness and crash dieting fads to uncover a process for health and wellness that works for YOU! Includes Notion document complete with a spectrum of topics relating to hormones, nutrition, training, sleep & recovery, and meditation.

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Porn/Cybersex Freedom Workbook

60 page workbook to grow and develop your resilience to the prevalent trap of pornography and cybersex patterns. Uncover your true values and align yourself to the greatest vision for your life free from pornography


You choose what to pay! $20 Suggested Value

Unwanted Porn & Hypersexual Behaviors Seminar & Group Coaching Access

Partnering with the Heare Brotherhood, Coach Ian walks through the core concepts for overcoming unwanted porn use and hypersexual behaviors. All proceeds are split between Ian Mai Coaching & Heare Brotherhood, a non-profit and foremost champion of men's mental health. 8 videos and ongoing monthly group coaching sessions.


You choose what to pay! $200 Suggested Value

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